Using the principles of ABA, we unlock remarkable potential in children, adolescents, and young adults
Flexible, Realistic Learning Opportunities
The skills selected by you, your family, and our clinical team can be targeted in different ways and in different settings. All activities that your child encounters throughout their day are an opportunity for learning! Our clinical team analyzes the skills required for activities and ensures appropriate, positive teaching strategies are in place to maximize your child’s success.
First Words Success Story

Early Intervention: The Sooner, The Better
The sooner your child begins a proper treatment program the sooner they can succeed.
ABA therapy implemented as early as possible can offer life-changing outcomes for children diagnosed with ASD, including increased communication skills, social skills, and independence with self-care. Our intensive ABA treatment adapts to your child’s specialized needs, allowing for the most effective results.

Intensive Toilet Training
Controlling continence is essential for a person’s health and well-being and a path to adulthood and independence
Using a wide variety of approaches, our clinical team works to find the right toilet training program for your child and your family. We work to ensure your child’s toilet training experience is positive and successful.
Feeding Programs
It’s common for children with autism to be sensitive to certain foods’ taste, smell, color, or texture
Food sensitivities can result in nutritional deficits and stressful family mealtimes. We’ve found success working through these behavioral triggers using a graduated exposure model. Our team assesses your child’s food preferences then gradually introduces a multi-step priority list to help increase your child’s food choices. Through treatment, along with consistency, persistence, and patience, we’ve seen many children graduate from a few preferred foods to a willingness to experiment with new food choices. As with all our services, feeding therapy relies heavily on family involvement. As our team and your family work together, your child can achieve remarkable results.

Verbal Behavior Programming
Connecting words with purpose
Many children diagnosed with ASD experience delays or communication struggles, some nonverbal. By utilizing ABA principles and the work of behaviorist B.F. Skinner, Verbal Behavior (VB) therapy can help to increase communication skills in children by teaching them how words can get desired objects or results, not just using words as labels. Time, consistency, and patience yield considerable progress in your child’s communication and verbal skills, eventually improving to more complex words and meanings.
School Consultations
We join you at school
Consistency and commitment in your child’s therapy are critical to achieving positive results. Our holistic approach involves close collaboration with your child’s school. One of our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) attends Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting and additional school meetings to ensure your child is achieving their maximum potential both in the home and school setting.

Partnering with Speech & Occupational Therapy
We partner and collaborate with your speech and Occupational Therapy Provider while attending sessions with you and your child
While observing these sessions, our team can address or offer guidance since these often involve verbal, handwriting, fine motor, and daily living skills. Challenging behaviors may arise during these external sessions that could impact your child’s progress, we must work in unison to benefit your child’s success.
Start The Dialogue Today
The sooner you start, the sooner we can help. Contact us today and let’s forge a path together.