ROCKVILLE, MD: (June 13, 2023) Behavioral Framework’s Chief Clinical Officer, Angela West, has authored a compelling article titled “Autism and the Father Factor,” which is featured in the June Issue of Autism Parenting Magazine. Drawing upon insights from psychology research, the article highlights the unique role fathers play in the development of children diagnosed with autism. While the focus of this piece is on the father’s role, it is essential to recognize that in every family, regardless of its composition, each parent or caregiver plays a distinct and significant role.
It is crucial to emphasize that each family is unique in its composition, with no two family units being identical. Regardless of your family structure, every individual in a parental role holds indispensable importance in promoting the well-being of the child.
As the Chief Clinical Officer and Founder of Behavioral Framework, Angela West brings over 15 years of expertise in mental health and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Her extensive knowledge encompasses diverse programming and behavior management techniques. Angela’s unwavering commitment to maintaining and enhancing ABA programs, coupled with her compassionate care approach, has been instrumental in her career journey.
For the full article, Autism and the Father Factor.
Check out Autism Parenting Magazine’s latest issue.