Like all children, kids with autism have their own unique needs and strengths. Sometimes, kids with autism need some extra help to develop important skills. This is where Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) can help.

ABA is the most widely recognized approach to treatment for autism. While ABA is helpful at any age, early intervention can have a bigger impact on long-term outcomes. During the first few years of a child’s life, the brain can adapt and change more readily than at later ages.

What is Early Intervention for Autism?

Early intervention is all about supporting development as early as possible. This ABA approach is aimed at young children, typically starting around ages 2 or 3, when their brains are most adaptable. This doesn’t mean that ABA won’t work if your child is older when they start! But early intervention can make for great progress early on as well as in the long run.

7 Ways Early Intervention Helps

Every child has their own strengths and challenges. As a leading ABA therapy provider, we work with families to assess where they might need help, and how we can build skills in a fun, empathetic and positive environment. ABA therapy can help in many ways! The following list can provide an idea of what’s possible with early intervention:

1. Toilet Training

Toilet training can be challenging for children with autism. There are many skills involved in using the toilet, and building a routine can be very demanding, both for kids and their parents. With early intervention, your child can build comfort with the toilet and the bathroom, learn to recognize and communicate the need to go, and practice pulling their pants and undies up and down so they can build independence.

2. Feeding Programs

Many children with autism have a limited number of preferred foods that they feel comfortable eating. This can make it challenging to have a balanced, healthy diet. We work with you and your child to understand and address selective eating and food refusal so they can have a wider variety of food they can eat! We also collaborate closely with related service providers such as Occupational Therapists and Speech Therapists.

3. Mealtime Routines

Mealtime can be very challenging for kids with autism. By establishing a structured mealtime routine, we can help children understand what to expect during meals. We also help kids with mealtime etiquette, and work together to reduce challenging behaviors.

4. Communication Skills

Kids with autism often face communication challenges. Not being able to convey your feelings and needs can be very frustrating and lead to challenging behavior. Now imagine if this went on for years - how frustrated would you feel? With early intervention, kids can learn alternative ways to communicate that are easy, safe and effective as soon as possible!

5. Transition Support

Transitioning between activities or from one space to another can feel very overwhelming for people with autism! Establishing predictable routines at home and school, practicing transitions, and providing clear cues and reminders that a transition is coming can help kids with autism feel more comfortable with transitions.

6. School Readiness

Pre-school can be very exciting, but being school-ready requires many skills. If your child needs some support to get there, early intervention can help. We can also work with schools and teachers to provide support in classroom environments. Helping kids navigate educational settings while young will help prepare them for their K-12 journey!

7. Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's emotions effectively. This is something we all have to learn, and big emotions can always feel difficult! Challenging behaviors can arise as a way of dealing with challenging emotions. We work with children with autism to help them understand what they are feeling and use healthier ways to cope.

How Can I Start Early Intervention ABA?

Before you can start early intervention, you need an autism diagnosis from a certified professional. This evaluation helps determine the kind of support your child needs, and how to best help them build these important life skills. If you don’t have a diagnostic evaluation yet, you can schedule one at Behavioral Framework.

Once you have your diagnosis, you can start working on an early intervention plan with our clinical team. We provide ABA therapy services to families in DC, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina.

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